
It means salt, a specific kind of salt that's made from the ashes of dry plant matter. Munyu as salt that enhances the flavour of a dish by creating contrast. Leveraging contrast not only as a register of difference but in improving the taste perceptions, including to otherwise unpalatable food.

Salt is essential for life in general, and saltiness is one of the basic human tastes. Salt is one of the oldest and most ubiquitous food seasonings. Salting, brining, and pickling are also ancient and important methods of food preservation.

In the form of a natural crystalline mineral, salt is also known as rock salt or halite. The rock salt, or salt lick is a public space, held in common. gathering/sharing/building.

We are making munyu as a sheltering/space for theoretical and practical forms generated by artists and affiliating practices.

To consider the spin-offs that’s moving from the construction of only improving or articulating something.

To tune into the differences, perspectives, and practices of those in the room towards an evolving sense of criticality.

It works through circulating
Resources -the space
Artistic direction

Fool Me Once - Natocho Faith
featuring Kui.sun

Listening and experimental sound making with Sophia Bauer

Ancestral Technologies
The Body and The Self

munyu description

Munyu is at the basement of The Mall, westlands - Nairobi
Visiting hours: Tuesday - Saturday 12 - 6 PM, or by appointment
Contact: jepkorir rose / / +254 794927785
Instagram: @munyu_space